Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We do dinner GOOOOOOD at the Crashpad!

PO Box

Ok fair warning, this is a rant and rave blog.....
I'm SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoyed!!!!! How does this make ANY sense?! I went to the post office to get a PO Box because I don't have a permanent address....Flight Attendant, shocking this would be the case right??
WELL you are required to have a permanent address that is consistent on at least 3 forms of government issued stuff i.e. car registration, driver's license, passport.
So if you have been MOVING consistently over the last few years, you think ANY of these match?! NO!
Secondly, WHY would I need a PO Box if I HAD a permanent address?!?!?!?!?!
Seriously I really wonder sometimes, and the lady at the post office looked at me and talked to me like I was the stupid one that didn't get it! Wow!!!!!
I'm doing some serious breathing techniques now! hahahaha, what an experience!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Smallest Park in the World

This is Mill Ends Park, Guinness Book of World Record's smallest park in the world! I made my waitress take a pic for me lol

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I'm finally in Portland, OR and starting to explore and LOVE it here! I went exploring all alone the first day, just put my walking shoes on and asked the hotel to point me in the direction of stuff. It was so fun! I really like it here! Rachel told me that I would just because of all the organic hippie food....I'm pretty sure she was dead on!!!! Half of my excitement has for sure been the incredible food!
Fresh salmon!!!! I think I will be eating ridic amounts of salmon here and then I'm gonna go to Alaska and catch my own!
The bridges are so cool here! This was one of the river tour boats.
Portland Saturday Market! Picture is worth a thousand words! haha, these people were singing opera, it was so bizarre and awesome! I had so much fun people watching yesterday!
Rachel knows her sister, send her to the best chocolate place in the world very first thing when she gets somewhere! Grandma, I'm bringing some back for you! Moonstruck Chocolates, folks, Moonstruck Chocolates!
Portland Saturday Market, got my favorite flower, help myself feel at home here :)
Class 7-11 buddies!!! Jen and Lauri! It was so good to hook up with them and know I wasn't alone in a big new place. We got to talk about our trips and find a place to live, good stuff!
More bridges, I lovity love them!
Again, the food is stellar here! This breakfast was to die for!!!!! And yes that is more salmon on top of my egg white scramlet! :)
Other great things also came with my move and new city! My divorce being final is one! And after over a year of singledom, there's a new man in my life :) I couldn't be happier about where my life is going and the incredible people and places that are a part of it!!! So incredibly blessed!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


That's our little plane out in the middle of no where Wyoming! The East entrance to Yellowstone is right behind it, it was a pretty cool airport to fly. The people are INCREDIBLY nice and the flights were small so I could have a good time with my passengers.
This was the statue outside of the Cody WY airport, I thought it was hilarious and needed a picture, my crew found it pretty funny how excited I was about everything too.
I had such an incredible crew for my training trip! Very patient and helpful and just a ton of fun! Got straight down to teasing each other and enjoying being in the air, I can't wait for my next trip!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FA baptism by fire!

What a crazy day yesterday!!!
My first day of my IOE we only had one flight and we took our time, I could ask tons of questions etc. My second day was NOTHING like that!
We got to the Milwaukee airport early, when we got there the plane wasn't there yet. We waited 90 mins for it to show up. So by the time it did there we were in a serious rush! Great for my first preflight of the aircraft....not! I was so flustered and turned upside down by the time the passengers boarded.
Everyone got on the plane and we had a lot of kids on a very late evening flight, that in itself was fun! Then we diverted 45 mins out of the way of a storm, and by the time we landed in Denver we had been switched from gate to gate due to other late flights. We sat on the ground for awhile, and finally got to a gate.
By the time all was said and done we left for Saskatoon 2 hours late!!! Craziness! I also got to experience working in turbulence for the first time, I have now fondly named that "Cloud Surfing" because if you look at me, my legs are spread out and squatted like I'm on a surfboard and you have to lean on overhead bins or walls etc! My balance is gonna be killer from this job!
All in all, it wasn't horrible but I'm really hoping today goes a little smoother. I'm incredibly grateful that I've had excellent passengers that have been very very kind when they figured out how green I am! They tell me I do a good job, which goes a LONG way when you feel like you've completely butchered the flight!
Time to get ready to soar again! See you in Cody WY tonight!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting my Wings!

A few pics from my Graduation, I'll narrate them all for you! This was seriously one of the coolest experiences of my life to date!

It's my turn for my Wings! Laurie was my roommate and I love her dearly! Can't wait to have some killer fun in PDX with her!

Getting my Wings pinned by Captain Kennington, he was so sweet, he was totally shaking!
Captain Kennington
Hey hey Class 7-11, we made it!!!
So grateful Richie could come support me and take me and Liz to lunch. Love you Bro!
What an incredible day! I'll keep updating as I have time, love you all! See you in the skies!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Minor disappearance!

I'm back, I leave on my IOE (first training trip) tomorrow! Milwaukee, Saskatoon Canada, and Cody Wyoming here I come!!! I'll get more pics from training posted and ready to roll while I'm on my layovers. If you have Skype, I'm making very good use of that as well right now to keep in touch while I'm out of the country.
Thanks for the prayers in my behalf while I was in training, it was for sure one of the most trying and incredible experiences I've ever had in my life! I will never forget and I will forever be grateful for the loving friends I now have because of this experience! We all pulled each other through some really rough horrible patches to get us all to our set of wings, and I am so excited for the experiences that I'm sure are on their way in Portland and across the world with all these people!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And my domicile is.....

Drum roll please!!!!!!
I'm going to Portland, Oregon!!!!!!!
I have my first trip scheduled for July 18th and I get to fly the CRJ200's, which happen to be my favorite jets! It was flight attendant Christmas today!

Evac Trainings

Again picture overload for your entertainment! This last week has been evacuations week. I passed all my exams with flying colors today! We had 9 tests today, it was CRAZY!