Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Travels, travels, travels....oh my!

I've had a few full months of working like crazy and fitting in as much play time in between! I made a trip to Amsterdam, San Diego, and covered most of the North American continent on a 4 day trip for work. Some how I still haven't run out of steam! I love the chaos that is my vagabond lifestyle! Somehow I've managed to keep an amazing man in tow since Thanksgiving as well. I've tried to keep facebook and instagram updated, just finally got to my blog tonight.
Went snowboarding with a high school volleyball teammate, had a blast!

Have made several trips to Seattle to see my little booger monster and run around and play! Love my little nephew and his amazing parents

Finally made it to a TrailBlazers basketball game with free tickets for a double date with the besties

Hiking in the Gorge, we're hoping to maybe summit St. Helen's this fall before the snow

Had a long overnight in Palm Springs, wandered around town and enjoyed my time away from the rain by soaking in the sun

St. Patrick's Day celebrations in downtown Portland

Josh, one of my very good pilot buddies, turned 40 and we had a surprise party with family and friends

More Auntie time with my Revin

This sweet Tonka truck has joined me on my adventures. He's a 1986, and has over 364,000 miles on him and I'm totally enamored with him!
My pilots and I in San Luis Obispo on an overnight. We went to the beach and on a 8 mile bike ride, amazing crew!
This was one of the highlights of my last few months! We took my roommate, Andrea, to Vegas to celebrate her 30th birthday and got VIP to see Marroon 5! It was absolutely incredible!

I was able to make a weekend trip to Amsterdam to meet up with a couple of my friends that were stationed in Germany.

Made it to San Diego for the weekend and got to see my lovely Kathleeni Lentini! She's as spunky and lively and beautiful as ever!
Since this man has recently become a large part of my life and my time away from work, introducing Phil. We've gone camping and to San Diego. I'm looking forward to our continued dating adventures. There are already many more trips in the works for our future :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

So impressed...

Those that know me very personally, know that I have long been a very strong gay advocate. Throughout the years of growing up LDS, I watched a lot of hurt, loneliness and destruction come from friends that came out to their families and friends. I watched them struggle as they tried to find a balance between having a testimony of the gospel and also feelings of attraction towards the same sex that couldn't be ignored, so they turned to the only way they felt they could deal with it. Lie. To family, friends, church leaders, etc. but most importantly to themselves. I realize how harshly the word "lie" comes across, I mean it to be blunt. Some didn't know how to decipher certain feelings until later in life, I recognize that as well. As I've grown, I've come to believe that lying to yourself is one of the most damaging things you can do to your own sanity.

With that being said, I am no longer a member of the LDS faith, for my own personal reasons. I have no issue, and in fact, highly support those around me that choose to be faithful members! Recently, a dear childhood friend of mine chose a particularly entertaining way to address the issue of being gay and also believing in gospel of the LDS church. This has since prompted some of our other friends and acquaintances to also have the courage to be honest with themselves and others. I have been so touched by their stories and faith in their chosen religion! I feel a strong sense of support and love towards them, I had to repost their stories!

I also hope this continues to raise the awareness that this subject clearly needs within the church. I hope that we can all continue to learn to love unconditionally and without judgement!

James Hales has been one of my friends since we were in the 7th grade. I remember turning to each other through some of our terrible teen years for support. I remember choreographing dances for our show choirs through the years together. I also remember us butting heads and wanting to kill each other through the innate stubbornness we both seem to have been born with. I love James very dearly, I would have been supportive of him had he said he was building a rocket to go to the moon! My own personal thoughts after watching his video were along the lines of, "It's about freaking time!" I was not surprised, and did not find it difficult to wrap my head around at all. His YouTube encompassed a variety of reactions, including that of my own brother-in-law. It also encompasses his love for the gospel and his choice to follow its teachings. He's been interviewed a few times already and has more interviews to come! I'm so proud of him and will continue to be one of his greatest admirers and supporters!

James Hales Blog:
James YouTube Video:

Another blog I want to share from a childhood acquaintance, Blaine Hickman
Blaine Hickman Blog:

Another great video about love and support on BYU campus: