Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not a Barroom Brawl!

Wow I haven't posted in a long time! In my defense, I've been moving and flying....AND playing a lot! But my experience in the wee hours of this morning definitely warrant a post! Little bit of background, we have a 2-day trip that includes 18 hours in our hotel in Burbank, CA. It's a good paying trip and you get to spend a whole day in sunny So Cal, I love it! There have been, in the past, a few issues with this particular hotel. However, the hotel staff takes good care of us, knows most of us by name, and goes above and beyond to make sure we have some good comfortable rest here. That being said, this is NOT what happened last night.

We got to the hotel around 10:00 PM last night, my First Officer and I were both on the same floor. When we got off the elevator to head to our rooms, there were three African American women standing in the hallway having a difficult time getting their keys to work. This happens to be a common problem in this hotel, so my First Officer (who is an older gentleman and always will jump to help some damsels in distress) walked over to see if he could maybe get their keys to work. No luck, we bid the ladies goodnight and went into our rooms.

I've been working this trip a lot, so I usually can't fall asleep until about 1:00 AM after I get to my room, get fed, showered, and chilled out from flying. This was the norm for last night as well, and I drifted off into my peaceful sleep. At about 3:30 AM, I'm startled awake by the sound of, "I will rip your nappy-a** cheap weave out yo head!!!!" (I'm not being racist, I'm quoting) in the most high-pitched screaming voice. Then followed by the all three women screaming things at each other, doors slamming and a HUGE thud into MY door.... Alright, now I'm annoyed. I go look out my peephole, sure enough, the three women are having a full on brawl! Half in the hallway, half in their room. One woman, now has a fourth individual on speaker phone, that is also screaming. My first natural instinct was to throw my door open and try to stop this whole craziness, then my better judgement stepped in. I didn't feel like getting shanked, and they seemed that they could possibly be capable of that at this point.

I went and called the front desk, they informed me that they had already been informed and were sending security up. I went back to my peephole to scope this sitch out. The women had taken the fight back inside their own room, but the volume was still through the roof. Security banged on their door, the women cracked the door, with the deadbolt in place. The security guard didn't even get to say one word before, "We're good, sorry about the noise!" was snapped at him and the door was slammed back shut. Apparently, the security guard thought his job was done and just walked away. The volume went down slightly for a few minutes and then the it was back on like Donkey Kong! Now I'm really getting irritated, as I've been awake for 35 minutes with this craziness. I call the front desk again. This time, he promises that the women are being removed and apologizes profusely. I go back to watch again. This time the security guard and the manager show up and ask the women to leave, which I guess they had already decided was a good idea and had started packing up. 15 more minutes of yelling, cussing, ruffled feathers flying about, and then silence! Oh blessed silence!

It's pretty rare to have an experience like that, but way to ring in my one year anniversary with the airline! It's my crazy FA life! As of today, I've been in this for a year and I still enjoy it and love it as much as I did the day I stepped foot on my first online CRJ200 in Denver for my IOE (Inflight training). There's never a dull moment. And I've had the time of my life in Portland, I couldn't ask for better crews and more amazing people. The city is in incredible and I will never forget the incredible experiences I'm having. I couldn't be happier in this crazy journey!

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