Monday, September 26, 2011

Somethings They Don't Tell You

I'm giving fair warning....this post isn't a happy go-lucky one. It's some very negative things that I need to get off my chest and out of my head so that I can work on finding positivity right now. SO, DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!

When you go into training as a Flight Attendant, it seems all happy and perfect and like you're gonna have the time of your life in a new adventure. This is MOSTLY true, but there's a lot of things they don't warn you about that absolutely suck!
The friends you knew before training, and that swore were your best friends, have all but disappeared. Because, lets face it, out of sight out of mind. You have an incredible boyfriend that's a 1000 miles away and half the time you have no idea when you're going to see him next. You sit in a city that you know nobody but FA's in, so you're alone ALL the time. To top it of, they sent too many Reserves to that city so you don't actually fly hardly at all. You watch your heart float away in the clouds from your cinder block walled apartment and your mat on the floor. Yes, I said mat on the floor, because you can't afford a bed, or new tennis shoes, or your train ticket to get out of the apartment. You have incredible friends that you made in training, but you rarely see or talk to them because you got sent to opposite ends of the country and work different schedules. You don't get to go to any form of church often, because you're never in the same place. Your gym routine that once kept you sane, is all but dicintigrated. The wonderfully home cooked food you once loved happens once in a blue moon. And all of your belongings that once made you feel at home are in a storage unit, and you live out of 3 suitcases, 2 of which are flight bags.
I've been told this all gets better after you get off Reserve, I'm just beginning to wonder how much one person can take before they crack entirely?


  1. I'm sorry. I know you're having some good times and trying to keep your head up. Just remember there really are people that care about you out there. We may not be with you in pdx but we're here. If you EVER need anything you know I'm ALWAYS here for you!

  2. I can so relate to everything you said and then add some more to it. HUGS
